Tuesday, July 23, 2019

American Narrative: Controlling the people through story

I’ve been thinking a lot about some things that I think are wrong in this country. I know, I know; it’s a long list. 

The thing is I think there are several “myths” we take as truths in this country. Whether they are designed and put in place by people in power or merely a byproduct of a sort of social ecosystem (where certain ideas sustain and feed other ideas and thereby maintain order by keeping people complacent) I do not know.

For example, corporations have a ton (at least a few billion if not more) riding on the idea that unions are the enemy of workers. That paying union dues is the thing that keeps laborers’ paychecks low. This is not consistent with truth.

There is the idea that taxes are similar to union dues. Or that they are theft. This is absolutely a stunning mischaracterization. Granted, many taxes could be argued as theft in their current form, but this is due to where those dollars end up going rather than the fact they are taken: When most of our tax dollars go to support endless wars, corporate subsidies, and tax breaks for the wealthy, there really isn’t any revenue left for education, food stamps, or collective social programs. In a way, America is laundering money to war profiteers, and they’re making a killing.

The last myth before I post this poem is the idea of a zero sum game. This basically states that if one person is winning, then another must necessarily be losing. This is not true, but it feels like it is. This is not true, but it forces people to see society as enemies rather than contributors, as competitors rather than facilitators. It’s damaging and unhealthy. The following poem talks about presenting the idea of people winning just enough to not stake what they have on any sort of revolution. The more we fight each other, though, the less energy we have to tackle the real problems.

Keep It Consistent

Change isn’t necessary
As long as comfort remains consistent
And comfort comes too easily
When complacency replaces care.
In order to keep rebellion to a minimum,
Make people
Just happy enough
That they will be afraid to lose
What they could have had
If only they had kept quiet.
Convince them
That everyone else
Is born with hooked teeth
And sticky hands
That the other people around them will be unable
To do anything
Except attempt to take what’s yours —
Convince them
That their greed
Is just a reflection
From everyone else’s eyes —
That this greed wasn’t theirs to begin with,
That keeping the consistency is less trouble
Than the heartbreak of change
The responsibility resides
With the ones
Who broke the system
The ones who were there before they were born.
They are bystanders
In a world where cops
Are nothing but trigger fingers
Looking for an excuse to get itchy
They are sheep in a world full of wolves
And always on the lookout for zippers peaking from underneath wool
Remind them
It’s a dog eat dog world
But leave out the part
That dogs don’t each other
Until people place bets on them —
Don’t let them notice
That there’s a billion dollar bet riding
On our ability to see
As a form of soft control —
Create unhealthy habits
Then call it “trying to survive”
Say that being alone and depressed
Is better than being
With other people and awkward
Tell them that perfection is the perquisite for love
So that being loved
Becomes an impossible pursuit

Don’t let them see that faults
Are something that can make the earth quake
Don’t let them hear  
how water laughs
Even as it carves its path through granite
Don’t let them find out
That the glass-crack crash of thunder
Has nothing on the brilliant flash that blast it into being

Make sure they don’t learn their history
So that they’ll be doomed to repeat it

Cackle when they finally realize
They are all wearing wool
That they only see each other’s teeth
Instead of the size of their pack

Make them scared of everything
Except the comforts you placed in their cages
Tell them
That the outside is so scary
And that’s why you let them live here
But be sure to let them know
They are making
The logical choice to stay
The easy choice to not speak out
The sensible choice to turn the other cheek
Never let them uncover
The graves that silence is always so busy digging

Change isn’t necessary
Until it is

Keep things consistent