Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26th Prompt - For The Love

I have been on an absolute kick with regard to love.  This is possibly because I've been looking through old notebooks and noticing how much my pen used to be obsessed with the idea.  I had filled many pages with the idea, and I kind of like it.  Love is one of the driving forces behind the universe it seems; it's everywhere. But sometimes we forget it.  Or it gets misplaced.  Sometimes it sneaks its way into our other pieces of baggage; you know, the ones which we glean from past relationships or ones that will never really be.  Sometimes we forget how powerful this word is and why it should be saved and used only when we truly mean it.  These thoughts are what lead into today's prompt.

Write an epistle (poem in letter form) to someone whom you love (or loved).

Granted, this is a difficult topic, so I'm going to open it up a bit and encourage you to write to the very first person who comes to mind.  What does love mean where this person is concerned?  Is it a feeling of concern for their well-being (like a guardian or parent)?  Is it a feeling of platonic, amazing friendship?  Is it a difficult to describe, deep seated attraction type love?  As you'll notice, these questions revolve around what type of love you're trying to express.  Keep this in mind: There are several different types of love.  Which do you feel strongest in your life right now?  Which felt strongest to you at some point prior to this?  How would you describe your thoughts/feelings?  As always, be specific, and don't hesitate to put pen to page.

Love is a strong emotion and well worth writing about, so be sure to have fun writing and good luck!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I am thankful for so many things it's difficult to know where to start.
So I suppose I'll begin from the ground up.

I'm thankful for my legs which learned
the value of standing strong, knees bent over
toes turned straight forward. My legs keep me grounded; they
know how to kick like Chuck Norris, and they're balanced
from years of walking, kicking, and standing in the right direction.

I'm thankful for my hips which sway
for the grace of songs. Hips are the centered energy
points of power, and the place from which gravity stems.
They communicate with intimate others, keep my legs aligned,
and keep a contact point between the ground and my stomach.

I'm thankful for my stomach which has kept
digesting even though other parts of my system shut down.
Somewhere along the line, my stomach lets me move because
the sun still shines. I've digested so much light
over the years that clouds hardly have a say anymore.

I'm thankful for my heart who's been giving me a meter for 26 years. Blood
runs 60,000 miles a day, and my heart takes center stage; it's
neither vain nor selfish but beats out of love - the lungs
can be told to slow, but the heart knows its way enough to run forever.

I'm thankful for my hands. They
know when to clench into fists, when to stay open, when to hold -
palms up toward the sky - they know when to catch rain or cover -
they are my connection, and they are never empty, they hold my
story, and they help me tell it.

I'm thankful for my shoulders which are broad,
large enough to bear the world, but
have a tendency to stay tight and unrelaxed,
unsure when I'll call on them again in order to keep
the world centered.

I'm thankful for my mouth which makes shapes and,
aside from my hands, is the only part of me able
to make the sign for love. It's a sign my lips may not
wear often, but the value of something so rare is incalculable

I'm thankful for my head which senses most of the world,
converts nouns into ideas, and connects everything to itself.
This is the place that the pen goes to refill itself; this
is the place that I go in order to say I love you; this
is the place that regulates the heart, and this is the place that knows
most of this poem was found in the pages of someone else, so
I'm thankful for so much - almost too much to count - from everyone
around willing to share their hands, hearts, legs, brains, and space.

Without you, this would be a thought without a mouth, a pen minus
a page, and a poem
falling on deaf ears.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12th - Prompt: Thankful

Yesterday was Veterans' Day, and we all have someone to thank on that day. This is certainly not all we have to be thankful for, however. And this energy, the energy that accompanies a "Thank You" is the energy that I want to tap into with today's prompt.

Write an epistle (a poem in the form of a letter) to someone or something for which you are thankful.

This letter does not have to solemn - remember that the energy of a thank you can be one of happiness and joy - someone has given time for you; this is something to be joyous about! Of course, you could also write a thank you poem to your favorite forest, to the city streets whose traffic speaks at all hours of the night, to your friend, mother, brother, sister, father, or other family; you could write a thank you to whomever you would like - set your pen free and see what it fetches from its well of ink!

Good luck, and happy writing!

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5th Prompt - It's Your Past

November is considered a time during which we should be thankful. I agree that we ought to be thankful, but I would add on that we ought to also think about where we've been before, take stock, and acknowledge how far we've come. For this reason, I present the prompt for this week:

Write to yourself in the past.

Are there any things you would like to tell yourself in the past? Would you like to thank yourself? Would you like to forgive yourself? Is there something you now understand that, when younger, you simply could not comprehend? Your writing can take the form of advice, of venting, of understanding, of forgiveness, of thankfulness, or anything else that you'd like to present to your former self. As a slight tweak, you may want to think as though you're writing to someone else; often it's easier to talk to others than it is to talk to ourselves, so if imagining that you are writing to someone else who is like you will assist in this endeavor, then certainly feel free to do that.

Whatever the case, don't stop writing!

Have fun, and good luck writing!