Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Musings on Math Pt. 1

Mathematics is pretty cool. It took me some time to be able to say that with a straight face, but I sincerely believe it's a cool subject (and I majored in English in college. To say that I'm a contradiction or somewhat outside of the perceived norm is a bit of an understatement). Mainly, I think math is great because it allows the practitioner to conceive of things in a new way. Let me throw out some examples.

Math is surprisingly Tao. Math strives for balance.
For example:
  (8 + 9) + 5 = (5 + 9) + 8
The numbers are in a different order, but their sums are equivalent. Moreover, what one does to one side of an equation, one must also do to the other side of an equation:

2x - 8 = 24

If 8 is added to one side,
2x - 8
    + 8
it must also be added to the other
in order to maintain balance and keep our equation essentially unchanged.
2x = 32
Anything done to one side of the equation
must be done to the other side
in order to maintain equivalency
x = 16
The answer is then plugged back in to make sure that everything matches up. 
2(16) - 8 = 24
32  - 8 = 24
24 = 24
Math tells us that just because something looks different does not mean it is different.

Math also tells us that certain things are the way they are, and if we know enough stuff, we can fill out the variables. The trick, however, is to know enough so that we know enough. In other words, we know enough to be left with one variable.

See, some people think that others are walking equations composed of multiple variables. They assume that people are essentially unknowable because they are too complex, too varied, too [insert word here]. But the truth is that people all want essentially the same things:
Love and Acceptance

If you give yourself love and acceptance, make sure to balance out the equation by giving it to others around you as well, and of course, do the converse: if you give love and acceptance to others, don't forget yourself.

Just because people look different does not mean they are different.

Of course, it is more complex than just treating everyone exactly the same, but I'm merely suggesting that we treat ourselves and others as an equation in the most generic sense. The only exception is we should always strive to add rather than subtract. Add to yourself to bring your end of the equation up; add to others to make them equal you, but you do not have the right to subtract from another nor should you have to make less of your own greatness.

"You have absolute value
You are an equation in motion,
a spinning cosmos of action and reaction,
your arms are the Milky Way,
so your heart is a God-given star.
This is why the space just beneath your ribs
is called a solar plexus."

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